Monday 12 April 2010

Strike Your Fancy (2010)

477cm 126cm x 148cm
Wood, PVC, Corvine Feathers, Gloss Paint, 3 cord flex, Brass Lamp Holders and Light Bulbs. 

Vanity Mirror (2008)

200cm 191cm x 70cm

Wood, Mirror Flex, Vinyl, Perspex, Brackets, Wood Stain, Light Bulbs, 3 Cord Flex, Brass Lamp Holders and Turntable

Sedan Cruiser (2009)

190cm x 240cm x 99cm
Wood, PVC, Strobe Light and Gloss Paint

Sedan Swagger (2009)

190cm x 173cm 102cm
Wood, PVC and Pigeon Feathers

Fairground Organ Soundsystem (2009)

210cm x 155cm x 70cm

Wood, Mirror, Wood Stain, Mirror Flex, Vinyl, Perspex, Turntables, Mirror Ball Motor, Brass Lamp Holders, 3 Cord Flex and Light bulbs

Seesaw (2009)

210cm x 155cm 45cm

Wood and Swimsuit Fabric

The False Looking Glass Screen (2010)

210cm x173cm x 60cm

Wood, MDF, PVC, Gloss and Enamel Paint

DJ Cart 2008

98cm x 91cm x 70cm 

Wood, Mirror Flex, Vinyl, Perspex, Brackets, Wood Stain